Economic Development Council
David Adelman, 2024 Economic Development Council Chair
Area Real Estate
Jeff Fair, Program Vice President
Vice President of Cybersecurity and Economic Development, Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
经济发展理事会由私营企业成员和主要社区利益相关者组成,其任务是促进圣安东尼奥的增长机会. 理事会在有关本地区增长和在竞争激烈的国内和国际市场中茁壮成长的能力的重要讨论中代表商业利益. The Council works to make San Antonio and Bexar County business-friendly, encouraging business generation, company growth, and retention of organizations and talent. The Council acts in several ways to accomplish our objectives:
- Collaboration理事会是一个包容性的论坛,讨论各种规模的企业面临的挑战和机遇,并帮助为本地区未来的增长创造条件.
- Industry Feedback: The Chamber, in coordination with our corporate members, small business membership, and other Chamber Councils and task forces, 定期收集和分享行业对当地政府举措的反馈,并制定适当的行动计划,以满足商界的需求.
- Advocacy: The Council leads the Chamber effort on engagement with city, county, state, 与联邦机构和立法者就影响商业社区和公司在圣安东尼奥发展和繁荣的能力的问题进行沟通.
Economic Impact Studies
Nonprofit Economic Impact Study
Download the 2020 Nonprofit Economic Impact Study
Healthcare And Bioscience Economic Impact Study
Download the 2020 Healthcare and Bioscience Economic Impact Study
Healthcare and Bioscience Economic Impact Study Technical Notes
Technical Notes
In 1996, The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce conducted its first Medical Economic Impact Study. This effort was sponsored by the Major Industry Council’s Medical Committee, whose overall charge was to maintain, expand, and promote San Antonio as a world-class center of excellence in medical care and the biosciences. 人们普遍承认,保健和生物科学部门对当地经济的贡献是巨大的, but there had never before been an attempt to quantify that impact.
The Committee subsequently decided to compile this information on a regular, and now biennial, basis. The present report is the 18th iteration of the study.
The Medical Committee and its current successor, The Chamber’s Healthcare and Bioscience Committee, have employed an inclusive definition of the Healthcare and Bioscience industry. It includes not only hospitals and direct healthcare providers (physicians, dentists, optometrists and others), but also medical and biological research centers, producers of pharmaceuticals and other healthcare-related products, 健康保险公司和医学教育(在2009年首次提供的综合版本中). Publicly funded providers of primary healthcare and health-related social services are also included, as are military and veterans’ healthcare. The definition of “healthcare” includes both preventive care and the traditional medical services.
Information Sources
这里提供的“传统”估计信息来自德克萨斯州劳动力委员会的涵盖就业和工资数据库. This data (total employment and wages) is assembled from unemployment insurance reports to the State. TWC将数据汇总到由北美工业分类系统(NAICS)编码框架定义的业务线中. It represents essentially a 100% sample of all the businesses with employees in each NAICS subcode.
The specific subcodes included in this study are listed at the end of the report. They cover both the healthcare and related industry segments in great detail.
Since the TWC is constantly revising its historical data in the interest of greater accuracy, 本研究中使用的2017年及更早年份的数据反映了以往经济影响研究所依据的数据的许多微小变化. The figures in this report are based upon the latest release of the TWC data, 因此,它们代表了目前最准确的衡量该行业及其子行业早期情况的指标.
Selecting which NAICS codes to include is not a simple task. 通常很明显,在给定的NAICS类别中分类的所有(或几乎所有)业务都是医疗保健和生物科学行业的一部分, NAICS category 32541, Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing). In other sectors, however, health-related products and services make up only a fraction of the activity included in that code. For example, 类别44611(药店和药店)描述了一组企业,它们是医疗保健提供系统的组成部分,但也销售物品, like greeting cards, that really do not belong in this sector.
It is therefore a matter of judgment to determine which industries to include and which to exclude. The rule the Committee followed was to include any 5- or 6-digit (the narrowest definitions) industry that in San Antonio 似乎包括了很大一部分与医疗或生物科学有关的业务,而排除了其他类别,因为所包括的业务活动中只有一小部分与医疗有关. Thus, industry 54171 (Physical, 工程和生物学研究)被包括在内,尽管NAICS代码书中描述的许多类型的研究与健康无关, 因为委员会认为,在这个城市,这类研究的最大份额是医学或生物学性质的. Similarly, the Committee excluded code 6113 (Colleges, universities and professional schools), 尽管它包括UT健康圣安东尼奥和许多其他与医疗保健和生物科学相关的教育和研究活动, because these programs constitute only a small portion of higher education in San Antonio. 将UT健康科学中心和贝勒医学院纳入综合评估, using data from a different source, is an attempt to address this limitation. By following this rule, the overall estimates of employment, 工资和经济影响应该是大致正确的,即使一些相关的活动被遗漏,一些不相关的活动包括在内. Studies using the TWC database will always be constrained to this sort of compromise. However, the database’s advantages of near-100% coverage of employers, consistent collection procedures and ready availability are considerable.
The information necessary for the inclusion of UT Health San Antonio, 贝勒医学院和圣安东尼奥医疗行业的军事存在是根据这两个实体自己的财务报告提供的数据得出的. Since these data are compiled for a different purpose than that reported to the TWC, using different procedures, the additional contributions attributed to these activities must be understood as approximations. Still, their impact is so great that it would be a significant understatement to exclude them.
The TWC provides employment and salary information for each quarter of the calendar year. 每年四个季度的就业数字取平均值,以取得具有代表性的就业水平, and payroll figures were computed by summing the wages reported for each of the four quarters. Average salaries were calculated by dividing the total payroll by the number of employees.
Translating payroll information into economic impact involves the application of a conversion factor. 每个NAICS行业的销售或收入是根据TWC的工资数据计算出来的,使用的是最相关的经济普查中报告的圣安东尼奥大都会统计区相应行业的销售与工资的比率. Thus, conversion factors based on the 2012 Economic Census were applied to data from years 2009-2019; factors based on the 2002 Economic Census were used for the 2004 estimates; while conversion factors based on the 1997 Economic Census were used for 1999 and 1994. These figures are specific to each NAICS code, and ranged (in 2012) from a low of 1.64 for services to the elderly to a high of 23.842 for druggists’ goods merchant wholesalers. 这个转换因子只是将工资单信息转换为每个特定行业产生的经济活动或影响的数量. 因此,劳动力成本占总成本一小部分的部门将具有最大的转换因子.
这个换算因子不是经济影响研究中经常使用的乘数,以计算一个工业的出口销售对当地经济的总影响. 乘数效应是指向该地区以外的客户提供的销售或服务对该地区经济的额外影响. When such sales take place, new money is injected into the local economy, which in turn is spent (in part) on local goods and services. 如果所有的销售都是内部的,这些额外的支出就不会产生经济活动. Until 2009 none of The Chamber’s Healthcare and Bioscience studies included multiplier effects, but more recently the committee has decided to include them in the comprehensive estimates. 委员会成员咨询了该行业许多分部门的专家,以确定每个分部门的合理出口百分比. Since multiplier effects are generated only by export sales, a credible estimate of export percentages is essential to the inclusion of those effects. The dollar value of the multiplier effects is calculated by applying multipliers from RIMS II model of the U. S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis to the estimated export sales. The BEA updates the RIMS II multipliers regularly, so the estimates presented here use the set of multipliers closest in time to the year being studied.