一般业务 & 经济发展
- Supports providing a tax credit for office buildings over 25 years old to convert to another use modeled after historic tax credits.
- Supports a legislative solution that authorizes nonstop flights from San Antonio (SAT) – Military City USA – to Reagan National (DCA).
- 支持SAT机场航站楼扩建.
- Supports actions to address supply chain constraints and encourages the free flow of goods and 服务s with U.S. 贸易伙伴.
- Supports passage of the FAA Reauthorization enabling additional support to the growth of the advanced air mobility industry in Texas and creating incentives for testing and implementing infrastructure to support that industry.
- Supports authorizing and appropriating additional funding to improve Department of Defense (DoD) military readiness rates and reduce the maintenance backlog in tactical aviation in our military 服务s.
- 支持增加航空劳动力发展资金和补助项目的努力.
- Supports legislation that increases funding to aerospace 教育 programs in pre-K through 12 and post-secondary institutions.
- Encourages Public and Private Partnerships between broadband providers and local organizations for the best product in construction, 服务, 升级, 和安全.
- Encourages utilization of federally funded affordability programs in areas where cost concerns are high.
- 支持社区的数字扫盲和在线安全规划.
- Supports the FCC vision to establish a baseline definition of broadband speeds beyond 100 megabits per second download and 20 megabits per second upload.
- 支持“可负担网络连接计划”(ACP)的资助和延续。, facilitating internet access by alleviating the cost of internet 服务 plans for qualifying households for at home internet 服务.
- Support legislation that will reduce barriers to deployment of broadband infrastructure including streamlining permitting process and interagency coordination.
- Incentivizing investment to expand net工作 access and removing barriers to efficient broadband deployment projects.
- 通过让美国人更能负担得起互联网服务来促进网络扩张.
- Supports programs to help small businesses prepare for and combat cybersecurity threats and build resilience.
- 支持增加网络安全教育经费, 劳动力培训, 教育, 和再培训.
- Supports the creation of inter-departmental guidelines for cybersecurity products and 服务s to be exported to southern partners, 支持他们确保关键基础设施和金融服务安全的努力.
- Supports FBI and CISA Cyber Incident Response Support and Investigation Reform of incidents.
- 支持立法规范隐私, 合规, 供应链验证, 以及各州的认证要求.
教育 & 员工发展
- Supports efforts to increase funding of special 教育 to fulfill Congressional intent to cover 40% of the cost to implement the Individuals with Disabilities Act.
- 支持为“从军队到教师”项目提供恢复资金.
- 通过以下方式支持维护和加强联邦佩尔助学金计划:
- 将资格扩展到短期/劳动力培训项目.
- 增加年度最大金额.
- 扩大DACA学生的资格.
- 将终身资格增加到14个学期.
- 支持实施策略, 规则, and regulations that allow for the investment in successful and employer-led 员工发展 programs such as Federal incentives to businesses that offer internships, 学徒制, and OJT opportunities; Perkins Career & Technical 教育; Dual credit; Adult 教育 and training including GED/HSE programs; Veterans training; and Educator development and training.
- 学术保健中心: Supports enhanced FY25 funding for academic health 中心 through a full appropriations package to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 卫生资源和服务管理局, 美国国防部(DoD), 疾病控制中心(CDC), 以及相关机构.
- 增加医学学术研究和发展的资助机会, 员工发展, 并通过投资联邦拨款机会直接提供服务, along with potential funding through Congressionally Directed Spending/Community Project Funding, will continue to provide vital resources for our communities throughout San Antonio and the South Texas border region.”
能源 & 可持续性
- 支持资源中性的碳减排建议, 整体经济, and give San Antonio the flexibility to invest in and transition to low- and non-emitting technologies in a manner consistent with our community’s priorities and the Climate Action & 适应计划.
- Supports additional federal funding for programs such as the Low-Income Home Assistance Program (LIHEAP) as it provides invaluable support and financial assistance to our San Antonio community members unable to pay their energy bills.
- Supports legislation to prevent unreasonable and exorbitant natural gas price increases during a declared natural disaster, thereby protecting customers from unnecessary financial hardship as experienced during Winter Storm Uri.
- 支持联邦资金的分配, 特别是通过IRA和IIJA获得的机会, 以及鼓励研究的拨款项目, 示范, 部署能够促进创新的不断发展的技术, 基础设施发展, 并以具有成本效益的方式协助贝尔县减少净排放量.
- Supports all actions to address supply chain constraints and encourage the free flow of goods and 服务s with U.S. 贸易伙伴.
- Supports retention in federal energy tax policy of a direct pay option for public power and a change in tax policy to reinstate the ability of public power to advance refund existing debt.
- Supports appropriating $1 billion to the Department of 能源 for implementation of the Defense Production Act to address the shortage of distribution transformers.
医疗保健 & 生物科学:
- Supports additional federal funding for programs such as the Low-Income Home Assistance Program (LIHEAP) as it provides invaluable support and financial assistance to our San Antonio community members unable to pay their energy bills.
- Encourages the Department of 能源 to withdraw proposed energy efficiency standards for distribution transformers. The electric sector continues to face supply constraints for distribution transformers impacting economic development and threatening grid reliability. DOE's proposed rule would make these constraints worse even while the pace of electrification of the economy accelerates. DOE should withdraw this rule and reassess how best to address current supply chain constraints.
- Supports reforms to federal laws that currently slow the process of obtaining necessary permits for critical infrastructure. Reforms should streamline the permitting process without compromising the integrity of environmental reviews.
- Supports the passage of the Farm Bill as the nation’s largest investment in voluntary conservation, 恢复, 农业和私有土地的管理, -提供食物, 纤维, 干净的水 & 为国家提供空气.
- 支持继续使用液体燃料进行运输.
- 反对武断的截止日期, 比如无法实现的净零排放目标, 也没有能证明其有效性的数据支持. 武断的最后期限扼杀了创新,增加了消费者的成本.
- Supports ALL vehicles on Texas roads contributing to the creation and maintenance of our roads and highways. Road use taxes for EV drivers must be collected annually since they circumvent taxes paid at the gas pump for roads and schools.
- Supports availability of low carbon incentives for business investments in environmentally friendly technologies or products.
- Supports programs targeted at expanding housing production of affordable housing for low- and middle-income households. Including historic tax credits and the Affordable 住房 Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA) of 2023.
- 支持增加资金和扩大住房 & community development programs including the Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME), 社区发展整笔补助金, 老年人保障性住房计划, 为残疾人士提供支持性住房, 应急方案补助金(ESG), 住房抵用券, 以及无家可归者援助项目.
- Supports programs and incentives to encourage the production of single-family homes and incentivize homeownership.
- Supports programs and policies focused on the production and preservation of affordable housing including eliminating barriers and providing relief from inflationary factors including high interest rates, 不断上升的保险成本和监管要求.
- 支持促进贸易增长的立法, 合作伙伴关系, 基础设施投资以缩短过境等待时间, 实施美墨加贸易协定, 以及NAD银行的扩张.
- 支持增加在岸业务的努力, 重新支撑, 制造工厂的近岸化, 中心, 总部迁至美国, 特别是德州.
- Supports changes to the tax code to encourage innovation and protect research and development investments.
- Supports making permanent the incentive of a 100% deduction for the purchase of equipment and machinery in the tax year purchased.
- Support efforts by Congress to help businesses finance their growth and reverse stricter limitations on interest deductibility.
- 支持弹性(基础设施)的进步, 气候, mission) for installations through collaboration with communities by continuing investment in programs that mutually benefit communities and military missions such as: Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC) Military Installation Resilience Review (MIRR) grant, 国防社区基础设施计划(DCIP), 国防制造社区支持计划(DMCSP).
- Supports the strengthening efforts for the resilience of military 服务 members and families through efforts to address unique challenges including:
- 确保基地住房安全、优质.
- 提倡适当的住房补助, such as 100% coverage of housing expenses through the Basic Allowance for 住房 (BAH).
- 加强退伍军人管理局住房贷款计划.
- 协助解决现役军人的住房问题,包括:
- 恢复100% BAH.
- 改革BAH计算流程.
- 在基地外的社区建造更多的住房.
- 支持国会的努力, 退伍军人事务部, 以及国防部减少军人和退伍军人自杀.
- Supports increasing advocacy for community-led initiatives that enhance military spouse employment and promote military-community efforts to ensure military families have access to high-quality schools, 照顾孩子, 配偶就业, 特殊需求项目.
- Supports policies that facilitate long-term and meaningful employment for military spouses.
- 支持扩大工作占用税收抵免,包括军人配偶.
- Continue advocacy around 照顾孩子 solutions for military 服务 members and families to include:
- 全额资助学费援助计划
- 解决人员配备和能力挑战
- In-depth study of the impact of 照顾孩子 challenges on recruiting, readiness, and retention.
- Supports fully funding Impact Aid to offset the costs incurred by districts educating large numbers of military children.
- Supports in holding future Department of Defense Warrior Games in the Alamo Region and 工作s with Army 领导 to ensure support and collaboration of public and private business support.
- Supports continued federal investment in the San Antonio region’s growing cybersecurity/national security ecosystem, 包括支持国防部/美国空军与圣安东尼奥港的合作,以建立一个新的, 为第16航空队及相关机构的合并校园, addressing critical USAF facilities need and further strengthening and leveraging San Antonio’s regional cyber and defense capabilities.
- Supports the 恢复 of a universal charitable deduction and other incentives for individual giving for taxpayers to benefit nonprofit organizations 工作ing to strengthen our community.
- Supports the establishment of structural mechanisms in the social sector to help shape and improve federal policies that allow the nonprofit community to serve our community more effectively.
- Supports in requesting Congress urge the US Department of Labor to withdraw changes to regulations governing employee exemptions to federal overtime pay requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
- 支持将2025年到期的《cq9跳高高试玩版》延期.
- 支持年度拨款和当地奖助金申请(县、市、VIA等).),以配合基建投资的地面运输 & 就业法案(IIJA)/两党基础设施法(BIL)于2021年11月21日签署成为法律.
- 威盛优先事项有待内部领导批准.
- VIA正在申请的资助:
- 十七辆铰接式巴士获低排放或零排放津贴
- 巴士及巴士设施拨款兴建第二个维修设施.
- VIA正在申请的资助:
- 支持继续通过美国联邦政府拨款.S. 西城河生态系统恢复项目的陆军工程兵团.
- Supports for more research on the blind catfish in the Edwards Aquifer before listing them as Endangered Species.
- Supports increased federal investment in water and wastewater infrastructure to help utilities address pressing needs.
- Supports laws and regulations that provide a stable and equitable frame工作 for managing water utilities.
- 支持正在进行的节约用水工作, 如提高用水效率,减少水分流失.
- 支持水和废水紧急援助计划.